Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Change ….

It’s surprising how we get used to even the smallest and the simplest things in life.
Like …
The 9.07AM train that you take to work everyday …
Your morning cup of tea….
The column of the news paper that you read everyday…
The manner in which you do a particular thing …
Though the dissatisfying and discontented feeling that you get when you have missed out on those things is overwhelming ….

They say that change is inevitable and you have the choice to dislike it or accept it with open arms, but it’s not always that we can do things like the way we do them as you might be forced to change, knowingly or unknowingly.
At times more than change it is the FEAR of change which bothers you, haunts you and is much more viscous than change itself.

There are things that you cherish, enjoy and love when they happen …..
You know they are going to change maybe cuz of some mistakes you have made in this learning process.

This fear I carry and I know not of anyone who can stop it from happening ….

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.