Friday, January 30, 2009

i wonder...

What does one do when you have lost everything????
You start all over again, taking step by step, building brick by brick....

And.... i haven't lost everything...  ;P

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What it means to be in a witness state...

Came across this beautiful poem, perfectly describing what it means to be in a witness state and how one can truly enjoy being in it.

I see a mountain from my window
Standing like an ancient sage
Desireless, full of love.
So many trees and so many flowers
They plunder the mountain all the time.
Its attention is not disturbed
And when the rain pours like
Many pitchers of clouds bursting
And it fills the mountain with greenery.
The storms may come soaring,
Filling the lake with compassion
And the rivers flow running down
Towards the calling sea.
The sun will create clouds and
Wind carries on its feathery wings
The rain on to the mountain.
This is the eternal play
The mountain sees
Without desires.

-by Nirmala Srivastava.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Do you believe in dreams?

I have started to... especially the 4A.M ones...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Pop! goes the Ego...

Round and Round
the Maya it goes...
Thinking that it's real
Take a good look
and laugh at yourself,
Pop! goes the Ego...

Up and down just like a clown,
Such a silly fellow.
Take a big pin stick it in
Pop! goes the Ego.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The year 2009...

Although i am 8 days late in welcoming the new year... Happy New Year!!!
The year 2009 will be a continuation of the remains of the 2008. Atleast in my case it has been so... and no good has come yet. Also, intriging is that i came across this journal which predict and publish the trends in the coming years, and they also have a similar view.
have a look at this link to find out what they have to say about 2009:

Coffee Messiah

Came across this lovely post on Coffee and Tea. It has also been nominated in the 'Blogs of Note', so check it out.